Meet Paola Paez

Margaret Brown

USFA Director at Large

Dr. Paola Paez is a Research Associate Professor for the Center for Food Safety in Child Nutrition Programs at Kansas State University. Dr. Paez received her doctorate from Iowa State University in Foodservice and Lodging Management. She has taught in the areas of food, nutrition, food service management, and food safety. Her research has focused on food safety in child nutrition programs and training and motivating foodservice employees to follow safe food handling practices. She has worked with food safety in child nutrition programs for several years and enjoys conducting research on topics that meet the needs of these programs. She has published in the Journal of Food Protection, Food Protection Trends, the Journal of Child Nutrition and Management, the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management and other academic journals. She is a member of the School Nutrition Association and the Foodservice Management Education Council.

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