Our Impact

USFA is Changing School Food Systems through best practice sharing, procurement, and advocacy. Click on each button below to further explore and learn more about how the Urban School Food Alliance is making a difference.

Strategic Procurement:

The Urban School Food Alliance proactively works on crafting bids and policies that focus on elevating school meals for the health and wellness of students. Quality food, environmentally friendly supplies, forecasting demand for local sourcing, and lowering overall costs are the core mission for the Alliance when it comes to procurement.

Best Practices:

One of the Alliance’s core values is to share best practices not only among Alliance members, but with districts throughout the country as well. Through sharing with fellow members during monthly calls and at bi-annual meetings and with the greater school nutrition community at the many prestigious conferences Alliance members are invited to speak at, all can benefit from the groundbreaking efforts of Alliance districts. To view some of the recent best practice presentations, head over to our Resource Center.

USFA in Action!

Take a look at various meetings and events hosted by USFA as well as ongoing projects such as the Chicken Pilot!


USFA is a leading voice in the child nutrition industry, advocating for school meals to ensure that all of America’s students have access to high-quality, nutritious food at no cost. USFA strategically partners with like-minded organizations to advance its mission and promote research-based nutrition policy.

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