An inside look at the USDA and Urban School Food Alliance’s procurement partnership

Filed Under: News, USFA in the News

With over 40 years in school nutrition, Dr. Katie Wilson is no stranger to the procurement challenges school nutrition operators face on a daily basis.

As the Executive Director for the Urban School Food Alliance (USFA), a nonprofit made up of 17 member school districts that aims to procure high-quality food for schools, Wilson has approached the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to see if there were ways the USFA could lend a hand in improving the procurement process for operators throughout the country.

“We always said we have to fix this, but we have to really sit down and look at it from a broad, open perspective and stop using band aids and bubble gum,” says Wilson. “In talking with USDA, I kept saying, ‘look, there’s got to be a better way to do this. I just need a chance to pilot some things. We want to make a difference.’”

Read the full article about the USFA and USDA partnership from via this link.

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