Urban School Food Alliance joins panel at BeanCon24

Filed Under: News, USFA in the News

Dr. Katie Wilson virtually attended BeanCon24, a global dry bean conference, to represent the Urban School Food Alliance and child nutrition on an interdisciplinary panel alongside culinary and industry leaders. The panel “Be The Change: Global Advocates for Change” explored strategies to develop an audience, create a procurement pipeline, and ensure accessibility of bean products in a variety of nutrition settings. The session was moderated by Chef Brad Barnes (Pure Food Consulting), and Dr. Wilson was joined on the panel by Dr. Gulden Yilmaz (Wageningen University), Tim McGreevey (Coalition for the Advancement of Pulses), Steve Savell (Bush Brothers), and David Longstaff (D & G Food Group). Learn more about the event and download the presentation from BeanCon24.

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