Tired, Frustrated and Full of “Shoulds” in School Nutrition

Tired, Frustrated and Full of “Shoulds” in School Nutrition

As we continue to navigate the complexities of operating a school nutrition program it never ceases to amaze me when outside stakeholders give a list of what school nutrition programs “should” do. Now, I appreciate other opinions and ideas, but until you walk a mile...

Families Drowning in the Waves of Waivers

Families Drowning in the Waves of Waivers

What is up with waivers? School meals have given children an anti-hunger, nutrition security lifeline for decades. They are so common across the United States that when the pandemic hit, the first place community members looked for help was their local school...

Transformational Procurement

Transformational Procurement

Spring is on its way. The sun is high and the temperatures are warming up. Spring brings new life, new beginnings, and a time to reset. It is the perfect setting to talk about transformational procurement. No, it is not another “toolkit” to adorn your shelf with hopes...

Technology has its advantages, but…

Technology has its advantages, but…

Emails, texts, blogs, podcasts, virtual school nutrition shows, and virtual national meetings, oh my! We have come a long way in school nutrition with the use of technology but the question that I ponder is: have we gone too far? Additionally, do we rely on technology...

Partnerships for a Better Tomorrow

Partnerships for a Better Tomorrow

Happy New Year and welcome back to our Urban School Food Alliance blog! This is a real journey into the unknown for a “seasoned” professional such as myself. You see, my generation did not grow up with computers, cell phones, or cars that talk to you. We used to write...

We Can’t Do It Without You!

We Can’t Do It Without You!

The Urban School Food Alliance was formed in 2012 to address the unique needs of the nation’s largest school districts.  As a nonprofit group, we share best practices and leverage our purchasing power to continue to drive food quality up and costs down while...

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The latest news and headlines from Urban School Food Alliance

USFA wins Summit Award at ASAE

USFA wins Summit Award at ASAE

WASHINGTON, July 25, 2024 – The Urban School Food Alliance is honored to announce that it has been recognized by...

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