Statement by Dr. Katie Wilson, Executive Director, Urban School Food Alliance on USDA Announcement of Support for Nation’s School Lunch Programs

Scott Carter: 571-359-1042, [email protected]
Alex Rodriguez: 805-331-7764, [email protected]

WASHINGTON, DC, June 28, 2023The Urban School Food Alliance (USFA), a nonprofit association whose membership includes some of the largest school districts in the nation announced their support for the latest action by USDA:

“As a solutions-based organization, the Urban School Food Alliance (USFA) applauds the leadership and continued recognition by Secretary Vilsack and USDA on the challenges facing the Nation’s school food operators.  These funds are critical to continue to mitigate the challenges in supply chains and costs faced by local school districts that need the support to ensure our children receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch,” said Wilson. “We stand ready to continue working with the Administration on identifying creative solutions and tools that provide support and operational flexibility to school nutrition directors as we move ahead post Covid.”

Dr. Wilson added, “We are in a new era of changes on how food systems are operated, and we appreciate USDA using the financial tools available to support our local farmers and producers.”  “This action recognizes the critical connection between farmers and their local communities’ nutrition programs such as Farm to School that has resulted in national spending on local foods by schools of over $1 billion dollars, so this is a win win.”

About Urban School Food Alliance
The Urban School Food Alliance (USFA) is a collaborative of the largest school districts in the United States, committed to improving the quality of food served in schools and increasing access to healthy, delicious meals for all students.  In 2023, the USFA launched the first ever Chicken Pilot program that is expected to change the way chicken is procured by schools in the future.  Founded in 2012, USFA supports sustainable and equitable school food systems that support the health and well-being of students. To learn more, visit


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