USFA Chicken Pilot


The first-of-its kind Pilot is currently launching in participating school districts across the country to disrupt and change the current school food procurement system. The Pilot is diverting the costs in commercial chicken associated with research and development, marketing, and sales to provide better quality ingredients for students.

We aim to drive the marketplace in school food rather than continue to be subject to it, it is time to set our own standards for good food in our schools. We have worked hard with our partners, school districts, and most importantly, children to create quality products they like, are healthy, and meet USDA meal standards. The changes we make with chicken can lead the way for procurement and nutritional improvements in other popular school lunch products.


  • Baltimore City Public Schools
  • Menomonie Area School District
  • School District of New Richmond
  • Schools of LaCrosse
  • The School District of Philadelphia
  • Orange County Public Schools
  • Palm Beach County Schools
  • Burleson ISD
  • Dallas ISD
  • District 49 – Colorado
  • Waxahachie ISD
  • Portland Public Schools
  • LA Unified School Districts



The Urban School Food Alliance appreciates all of our funders for their support of this project.  Visit our partners and supporters to see more and we welcome any additional support for this type of work!

“Every public food dollar spent by schools should seek to improve the health of our students. Leveraged cumulatively, these dollars can also support a more diverse set of suppliers and bring higher quality ingredients into meal programs,” said Noah Cohen-Cline, Director, Food Initiative at The Rockefeller Foundation.

District Experiences

My high school is serving the spicy chicken patty every day.   The number of sandwiches served increases daily.  We believe the kids are enjoying the sandwich.

Food Service Director

This chicken is better than what you usually serve. It is more moist and the breading is nice and crunchy.

I like the tenders they have a nice flavor.

The spicy chicken is just right not too spicy and nice crunchy breading

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