USFA Local Procurement Miniseries

School meals provide important nutrition to 30 million students a day. The time is now for schools to be bold and creative when considering their purchasing power and their responsibilities in serving their community. The procurement processes used by schools can have a tremendous impact on the viability of local farmers, processors, and their ability to supply healthy local food to schools. 

June 7 – Advancing School Food Procurement, Driving Values Based Purchasing Through Competitive Solicitations

Presenter: Rachel Terry, The Common Market

Rachel Terry is an advocate for a more just and sustainable food system, working to build connection and resiliency across supply chains and communities. She leads partnerships and strategy work for The Common Market, a nonprofit local food aggregator and distributor that connects family farms to institutions and the communities they serve. In this role, she builds relationships with foodservice leaders, community members, and food justice advocates to create access and build capacity for local food procurement.

Check out the resource via this link.


June 14 – Developing Local Food Sheds/Community Engagement

Presenters: John Wittler and Jeremy West

John Wittler, Executive Director of Ogallala Commons and Jeremy West, USFA CFO will share their experience in developing community interest in local food systems, building (or strengthening existing) community food coalitions and help school district operators of all sizes understand the important role they can play in the process that will benefit their students and community.


June 21 – Michigan 10 cents a meal for Michigan’s kids & farms program

Presenter: Wendy K. Crowley – Farm to Program Consultant, CNP, Michigan Department of Education

View the presentation via this link.


June 28 – Bertrand Weber talks local procurement and building relationships with farmers

Presenter: Bertrand Weber, Minnesota Public Schools

View the presentation via this link.

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