Fresh Attitude Week Recipe: Oriental Salad from Interfel

Filed Under: Recipes

In collaboration with the French Department of Agriculture and in partnership with Interfel (French Inter-Branch Association of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables which created Fresh Attitude Week), Fresh Attitude Week has become an annual event in Alliance districts in America, along with schools in France and Hungary to raise awareness about the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in schools.

Here’s one of the recipes from Interfel!

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Oriental Salad with Orange by Interfel

Oriental Salad with Orange

  • Author: Interfel
  • Total Time: 10-20 min.
  • Yield: 4 persons 1x


Difficulty: Easy


  • 4 oranges
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 fresh ginger
  • 50 grams pine nuts
  • Pepper
  • Some coriander leaves
  • Some sprigs of chives
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil


  1. Peel and supreme the oranges. Keep the juice.
  2. Peel and cut the red onion into thin slices.
  3. Place the pine nuts for a few seconds in a hot pan. Be careful, the pine nuts are grilling very fast; monitor the cooking and mix regularly. Put the pine nuts to one side.
  4. Peel the ginger.
  5. Rinse, dry and finely chop the herbs.
  6. In a salad bowl, place the orange supremes, the slices of red onion.
  7. Add the roasted pine nuts. Grate ginger on the salad.
  8. Pepper lightly. Add a little of orange juice and olive oil. Mix well.
  9. Scatter coriander and chopped chives just before serving.


Tip: This salad can stay cool (film-wrapped) about 20 minutes before being tasted.

  • Prep Time: 10-20 min.
  • Cook Time: Raw

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