Fresh Attitude Week Recipe: Red Fruits Dessert from Interfel

Filed Under: Recipes

In collaboration with the French Department of Agriculture and in partnership with Interfel (French Inter-Branch Association of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables which created Fresh Attitude Week), Fresh Attitude Week has become an annual event in Alliance districts in America, along with schools in France and Hungary to raise awareness about the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in schools.

Here’s one of the recipes from Interfel!

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Red Fruits Dessert by Interfel

Red Fruits Dessert

  • Author: Interfel
  • Total Time: <10 min.
  • Yield: 4 persons 1x


Difficulty: Easy


  • 300 grams of various red fruits (raspberry, strawberry, blackcurrant, currant, etc.)
  • 50 grams of cottage cheese
  • 4 petit Suisse
  • 2 tablespoons of agave syrup
  • 4 quarters of a pound cake
  • 3 tbsp of crispy muesli


  1. Rinse and dry fruits (except raspberries, so that they do not waterlog).
  2. Cut the pound cake at the size of the verrines and place them in the bottom of each verrine
  3. In a bowl, combine the petit suisse, cottage cheese and agave syrup.
  4. Repart the preparation in the verrines then add the mixed red fruits.
  5. Sprinkle with muesli before serving.


Tip: Add zest of lemon or chopped fresh mint to season this dessert

  • Prep Time: <10 min.
  • Cook Time: Raw

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